Lauryn Hill: I'm No Squatter

Singer denies skipping out on her rent.

Lauryn Hill
Lauryn Hill's landlord might want to think twice about trying to kick her out. Reportedly, in an eviction lawsuit, the landlord claims the singer hasn't paid rent for her South Orange, New Jersey, home for a month; and she's denying in a very public, territorial way.
Hill apparently retorted via Tumblr. "I'd like to set the record straight: I am not squatting, and I do not owe any money to my landlord," she wrote. "I have always stayed current on rent. I was raised in South Orange, which is why these allegations are not only false, but insulting."
Taking further shots, this time at the media, the ex-Fugee explained that she's in the process of working out an "issue" with her home that has nothing to do with not paying rent.
"I am in talks with the town about resolving an unrelated issue, regarding how I use my home to work on my music, which has nothing to do with my financial obligations. Won’t it be great when real journalism returns to replace inaccurate tabloid harassment."
Landlord drama aside, Hill has a lot to celebrate these days. She evaded, at least temporarily, possible jail time and received an extension on her delinquent tax bill; and the 37-year-old has signed a $1 million record deal with Sony, according to courtroom reports.


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