Woolwich Killers: Michael Adebolajo and Micheal Adebowale found guilty

Woolwich killers, Michael Adebolajo (left) and his friend, Michael Adebowale (right) have
been found guilty of the murder of British soldier, Lee Rigby.
25 year old Rigby was attacked by the Muslim extremists on May 22 outside his military
barracks in Woolwich South London. They first run the soldier down with their car while
he was returning from an errand, then mutilated and nearly beheaded him in a crime that happened in broad day light.
barracks in Woolwich South London. They first run the soldier down with their car while
he was returning from an errand, then mutilated and nearly beheaded him in a crime that happened in broad day light.
It took the jury only 90 minutes to come back with a guilty verdict. Adebolajo reportedly
kissed the Koran and smiled as the verdicts were read but Adebowale didn't react. They
will both be sentenced next month