Image result for job recruitment firms imageImage result for job recruitment firms image
Interviews are skills and behavioural verification forums where the prospective employee meets the prospective employers. 
For you to be invited for an interview, it shows the company representatives most likely find your resume interesting and/ or believe that you may have what it takes to do the job. The interview is the opportunity to reinforce that belief and show them you are the one they are looking for. 
Your punctuality, dressing, conduct, composure and confidence must be top notch. Go through your resume, information about the company and the role before hand and practise answering key questions they may ask. "Why should we hire you?" "What challenges have you overcome on previous job?" are likely questions.
 You can get several others online (Google it!). The interview can be a phone or video interview, a one on one or panel interview amongst others. 
Whatever the kind of interview, keep your eye on your objective; to get the job. Don't be intimidated, overwhelmed or stunned. 
Ask for clarification if you don't understand a question or for it to be repeated if you didn't hear it the first time. Be polite, confident and assertive. 
Don't stare or frown. Be sensibly lively, smart and make them happy they invited you. In one word, DELIVER! In an interview, you must leave your interviewers with a good VIEW of yourself. That is the key to get IN.


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