And Linda Ikeji went down

Linda Ikeji blog is presently been brought down by Google. It apparently shows that the IT guy, one Mr. Aye Dee who vowed to bring her down may have finally succeeded!

But Linda said on her twitter page few minutes ago that she will be back very soon. My personal advice to Linda Ikeji's Blog is, please do less of bragging and more of underground corporate solidification. Get a lawyer, get savvy IT experts and stop doing your business (that's fetching millions of Naira) from inside your posh parlour (Your brand is now very BIG).

But apart from that, I think that guy is just a fool who will meet his Waterloo very soon. 

Linda cull stories from other news agency and gives credit (Is that not what all bloggers do too?). 

So what really is the big deal? Because she bought a new car worth 12 million Naira? Bros, you fall guys hand jare.

Linda, be strong and courageous, this too shall soon pass.

Atoloye Folahan


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